Sunday, 9 April 2017



                        It’s always fun and interesting to read, think, watch, hear, talk, discus, and dream about what we don’t have and we desire to have. As per human law we most of the time we love chase the most those shitty desires that seems to be the world but nope it’s not. We attain this “nope it’s not” wisdom little later which is exactly after getting whack in ass.
                      Likewise patience is what we most of us don’t have, and always wants patience like world is badly in need of peace but bad time its having directly opposite of peace and our bad time we are in the world and our minds collaboration with world I guess which also need of peace in the form of patience but mind isn’t getting it.
                     Lately I got some patience, literally a very little patience and it’s a huge change. I can’t see in me but I could see in my friends or even some common people who are like my past me or impatience me. Some are bore of my advice and sometime am little sad for my old me and little happy by seeing angry strangers who is need of patience that I just acquired after chronic phase of repeated struggle or sadness or my bad times for the future good time

                     Congratulations, actually not bad, you are having patience to read this much which is a good thing anyways try the below thing to train your mind to seek calmness or patience at the time of impatience.
  1. Smoke Up* 
  2. Use a deadly slow mobile phone for a few months
  3. Use public transport at the time of important meeting or dating stuffs
  4. Sitting in a sober state with your drunken & freshly heart broken friend in the name of love
  5. Teach old people how to become a pro social network
  6. Wait for your friend without charge in your mobile in nowhere region
  7. Answer all the question asked by children and elders in the way they love
  8. Watch drama movies more
  9. Do day-to-day stuffs but in the old fashion for example MAKING FIRE to TALKING WITH PEOPLE
  10. Hear stories from toddlers and daily happening in their school