Wednesday 17 May 2017

Funny Fear

Funny Fear #Thoughts
F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real
It’s so irony we work sadly everyday for happy future but we everyone die with the glimpse of seeing what happy life we actually wanted by the time we where actually thought we would be.
I know very well that normal is an illusion but seeing something so abnormal which is so obvious but failed to appreciate by us because we have been tune in that way despite of wise people’s advice. Dunno how this all sets in but I guess it’s all have two great root, like little man and fat boy which destroying our happy life invisibly.
*Need of money and never​ ending immortal desire*
These two almost seems to be doing same action but in different level in different ways things they are doing is Inhibiting our happiness and pushing ourselves into sadness depression and Ill health directly or some other astonishing way that we are super blind  not to appreciate it.

Do we think why are we born ??? what’s our human life is ??? What’s ultimate goal as humans ??? How we should live ???..... Am damn sure everyone one have different views !! That’s so obvious cause we are humans this is what we do ....!!!
My, “the most simplest and practically impossible view about life”is
 “1) we are born so that we give birth to offsprings
   2) we have to transfer the knowledge we gain to our next generation “

So literally we have to worry only about this
Any other thing which we consider as a problem ain't a problem in future cause time happens to change the event and us we were.

So far... Right now...


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